Memorable songs

Friday, November 12, 2010

I broke my hurt

Inspired by a sentence from one of my lectures... "I cut my finger" that's meant foreigners often blame themselves of the accident which's happened....
(bukannya orang2 Indonesia yg suka bilang.. "tangan gue terluka"..pas ditanya gara2 sapa, jawabnya "gara2 pisau"... tu kan nyalahin orang/benda lain)

In this case,,actually, this's my fault.. I've already known the best ways to face the bad-boys..but I can't do it well...
How stupid I am...

on the other hand, I always feel a little bit confuse.. "why do I often meet bad-boys??"... Although, I often try to avoid it. I perfectly fall in love to them...

In my holy book said that "a good girl is just for a good boy." but one of my best friend told me that "God is so fair. A good one is just a bad one. It's used to fix it to the right way."..... which one is true????

That's not really important.. I just want to "delete" him from my heart right now...!!!! Anybody can help me,please????!!!!!!